
Chicarhuapunta is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 4.289m (14,071ft) above the sea level, located in the Ancash Region in Peruthe Ancash Region in Peru


The road to the summit is brutal. It’s called Ruta 104. It’s mostly paved. The route is dangerous. Not recommended to newbies. Along the way you’ll have to deal with some dangerous dropoffs. Expect more than 300 turns (around 100 hairpin turns).

The climb is simply terrible. Remember this is is a mountainous area, climbing up a high mountain, with a notorius absence of oxygen. Altitude and extreme weather are always a factor. The road is very narrow and unprotected by guardrails. It’s 102km long and links the villaged of Moro District (a town at 490masl) and Tocash (at 2.352m).

The road has very steep parts. Starting from Tocash, the ascent is 32.6 km long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 1.937meters. The average gradient is 5.94% with some sections up to 12%.