A very bumpy, grueling road to Paron Lagoon
Laguna Paron is a high mountain lagoon at an elevation of 4.200m (13,779ft) above the sea level, located in the Peruvian Andes.
Also known as Lago Paron, is considered one of the biggest lakes in the Cordillera Blanca. It’s located in the Huascarán National Park, 32 far from the city Caraz. The high concentrations of dissolved lime give the water of Paron a turquoise color.
The road to the lake is especially challenging, featuring more than 100 hairpin turns. The drive to the lake is through a spectacular canyon with 1000m high granite walls. It’s a gravel road impressive because of the high and very steep, often vertical slopes of this narrow U-shaped valley. Through a large series of hairpins one climbs to the lake, all the time having clear and sometimes rather frightening outlooks on the rock faces. You can take incredible shots of the lake and peaks of the Cordillera Blanca. The drive offers dramatic mountain views of the Artesonraju, also known as the Paramount logo film, Chacraraju, Pisco and Huandoy mountains.
Pic: https://www.portalmochilero.com/laguna-de-paron-sin-tours-y-con-escaso-dinero/