How to get to Gran Bajo de San Julián by car, the lowest point in the Americas?

Located in the eastern part of the province of Santa Cruz in Argentina, Gran Bajo de San Julián holds the distinction of being the lowest elevation in the Americas, sitting at -105 meters (-345 feet).

Gran Bajo de San Julián

Where Can You Find the America’s Lowest Point?

Situated in the Patagonia region of southern Argentina, the Great San Julián Depression is one of the lowest points on Earth. This depression represents not only Argentina's but also the most profound point in both the Western and Southern Hemispheres, making it the seventh lowest elevation globally. While Death Valley in California, USA, is better known and more accessible, reaching 86 meters (282 feet) below sea level, Gran Bajo de San Julián is even lower at 105 meters (344 feet) below sea level, making it the lowest point in the Americas.

How remote is Gran Bajo de San Julian?

The area -with significant temperature variations between day and night- is characterized by a dry, arid environment with saline soils and sparse vegetation. It is a desert-like region with a harsh climate. It is relatively remote and attracts some interest from scientists and adventurous travelers, but it is not very popular for tourists. The region is sparsely populated, with few human settlements due to the challenging living conditions.

Is It Possible to Drive Through Gran Bajo de San Julian, the America’s Lowest Point?

Yes, and the route leading to this endorheic basin is fully paved. Travelers can take the scenic Ruta Nacional 3, stretching 125 km (77 miles) from Puerto San Julián, historically known as Port St. Julian, a natural harbor, to Comandante Luis Piedrabuena in the department of Corpen Aike.