Driving the defiant Cuesta del Obispo to Piedra del Molino in Salta

Piedra del Molino is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 3,367m (11,046ft) above sea level, located in the central-western part of the province of Salta, in Argentina.

Piedra del Molino

Why is it called Piedra del Molino? 

Set high in the northwestern part of Argentina, the summit is named after a large granite grinding stone located there. According to legend, it was transported by car in 1927 and split in two due to its weight. It was originally meant to stay in a valley, but its owners never came back for it.

Is the road to Piedra del Molino in Salta paved? 

Tucked away in Los Cardones National Park, the road to the summit is mostly paved yet winding, known as Ruta Provincial 33 road. As it traverses the pass, the challenging road is commonly known as Cuesta del Obispo, named after Bishop Julián Cortazar.

How long is Piedra del Molino in Salta? 

The road is 105 km (65 miles) long, running from Payogasta to El Carril.

How defiant is Piedra del Molino in Salta? 

If you’re prone to car sickness, better avoid the climb. With hundreds of curves, sharp hairpin turns, steep sections, and intimidating drop-offs, the drive is not easy. 

Is Piedra del Molino in Salta worth the drive? 

A few hundred meters before the summit, there’s a lookout point with a panoramic view of the road's hairpins and Quebrada del Escoipe. The summit is also home to a small chapel dedicated to St. Rafael.