Corral Canyon Road

Located in Los Angeles County, California, in United States, Corral Canyon Road is said to be one of the Best Driving Roads in Malibu. The road is very steep (up to 10%).

Corral Canyon Road

The road is asphalted but pretty steep. Its many twists, turns and narrows can pose a challenge to even the most experienced drivers. It’s a downhill road down the mountain full of twists and turns. It’s 8.04 km (5.0 miles) long long, between the Castro Peak Motorway and Pacific Coast Highway roads.

The road is not easy, though. Up, down, right, left all the time. Driving at night, or in poor visibility, is not recommended for drivers unfamiliar with the road. This route is not recommended if your passengers are prone to car sickness. Don’t stuff your belly too much. Proximity to the beach makes this an extremely popular destination on weekends. Expect a road pretty steep with sections up to 10%. The journey offers an exhilarating driving experience, with superb views. The wooded environment and views of the Pacific are definitely worth it.