Dangerous Roads in South Carolina

South Carolina's picturesque landscapes and charming towns often conceal a less visible but important issue: dangerous roads that pose risks to both locals and visitors. While the state's highways and roads offer scenic drives, some roads are known for their challenging conditions, high accident rates, and safety hazards.

Dangerous Roads in South Carolina

An analysis by MoneyGeek found that fatal crashes in South Carolina increased by 4.3% from 2019 to 2020. The data also revealed that accidents caused by speeding or drunk driving increased, while distracted driving accidents decreased. To fully understand where it is most dangerous to drive in South Carolina, let’s delve into some of the dangerous roads in South Carolina and explore the factors that contribute to their reputation.

Highway 17: The Infamous Route

Highway 17, a scenic coastal route stretching from the north to the south of South Carolina, is notorious for its accidents. As the main route connecting Charleston, Myrtle Beach, and other coastal towns, Highway 17 often has heavy traffic and varying road conditions. Its two-lane stretches, numerous intersections, and a mix of local and tourist drivers create a challenging environment that requires caution.

In particular, from Bonanza Road to Orleans Road on Highway 17 has some of the most fatal accidents. Local Charleston accident attorneys Mickelsen Dalton recommend paying extra close attention when driving on this stretch of road.

I-26: A Tale of Congestion and Accidents

Interstate 26, a major artery connecting the Upstate to the Lowcountry, has seen its fair share of accidents. The high volume of commercial vehicles, combined with the influx of travelers and commuters can lead to congestion and a higher risk of collisions. Exit 203 in particular at College Road Park is an incredibly dangerous intersection, perhaps due to its poor visibility. Road maintenance and construction can also contribute to sudden changes in traffic flow on this road.

US-501: A Route of Concern

Known for its challenging curves and elevated accident rates, US-501 is a road that requires careful navigation. Running through the Grand Strand area, US-501 is a popular route for both tourists and locals heading to attractions like Myrtle Beach. Its combination of high speeds, intersections, and potential for distracted driving creates a recipe for serious accidents. Where US-501 intersects with Carolina Forest Blvd has particularly heavy traffic and multiple left turn lanes which has made it a dangerous intersection.

Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway (Highway 11)

The Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway, often celebrated for its stunning vistas and access to state parks, also presents risks to drivers. The winding roads, sharp turns, and elevation changes demand heightened attention and cautious driving. This road is a prime example of how natural beauty can sometimes disguise potential dangers.

Contributing Factors to Road Danger

Several factors contribute to the dangerous nature of these South Carolina roads.

Congestion: High traffic volumes during peak hours and tourist seasons can lead to congestion and an increased risk of accidents. Late spring and early summer are popular times for tourists to visit South Carolina.

Road Conditions: Poorly maintained roads, especially in rural areas, can contribute to accidents due to potholes, debris, and uneven surfaces.

Curves and Elevation Changes: Roads with sharp curves and elevation changes demand focused attention and adherence to speed limits.

Lack of Infrastructure: Inadequate lighting, signage, and road markings can create confusion for drivers, especially at night. Ongoing constructions can make situations even more confusing.

Distracted Driving: With the rise of technology, distracted driving has become a significant contributor to accidents, as drivers take their eyes off the road.

Staying Safe on South Carolina's Roads

While certain roads may present challenges, safe driving practices can significantly reduce the risks. Follow these safety tips:

  • Stay Attentive: Avoid distractions and stay focused on the road at all times.
  • Obey Speed Limits: Adhere to posted speed limits, especially on roads with curves or challenging conditions.
  • Maintain Your Vehicle: Regular vehicle maintenance ensures your vehicle is in proper working condition.
  • Plan Ahead: Be aware of road conditions and potential traffic congestion, and plan your route accordingly.
  • Defensive Driving: Practice defensive driving techniques, such as maintaining a safe following distance and anticipating potential hazards.

While South Carolina offers a rich tapestry of roads that traverse its diverse landscapes, some routes come with increased risks and challenges. By understanding the factors that contribute to road danger and adopting safe driving practices, residents and visitors can enjoy the beauty of the state while prioritizing their safety and the safety of others on the road.