What are the most spectacular roads in Mexico?

Located in North America, Mexico is a country with a wide collection of stunning drives. It’s home to about 150 roads listed as the most spectacular in the world.

With very diverse geography, comprising high mountains such as the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental, and stunning beaches providing scenic coastal drives, when traveling to Mexico don’t forget to add to your list the infamous Espinazo del Diablo, a thrilling and challenging Mexican mountain road. This road is renowned internationally for its hairpin turns. Another notable road is Carretera Federal 1, which is full of blind corners with no barriers or hard shoulders. Spanning the length of the Baja California Peninsula, it is often called the Carretera Transpeninsular or Transpeninsular Highway.

If you prefer mountain roads, try the road to Cortes Pass, a mountain pass at an elevation of 3,692m (12,112ft) above sea level. It’s one of the highest roads in the country. If you like unpaved roads, try the drive to Sierra Negra volcano, an extinct volcano at 4,576m (15,013ft) in the state of Puebla.

Located in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur Camino al Tecolote, offers incredible views of turquoise waters (aqua/teal color waters) in a series of small bays and beaches in a desert full of saguaros and cactus.

Cumbres de Acultzingo is the name of a very dangerous road located in the state of Veracruz, in Mexico.

Located in central Mexico, Carretera Pinal de Amoles (Mexico 120) offers great landscapes in the transition from desert, temperate forest and tropical jungle.

Located in Querétaro state, in Mexico, this road offers a challenging drive and great mountain and desert landscape to explore and contemplate.

Hidalgo state route 53 or Road to San Clemente is a very scenic drive at the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains in Hidalgo state. The road is particulary dangerous for its steep grade inclinations, some hairpinned curves, bad road conditions and dramatically changes of elevation.

Los Altares (Mexico 58) is an asphalted road linkins Linares and Iturbide in Nuevo León state, in Mexico.

Located in the Mexican state of Durango, Los Altares is a very scenic drive between forest and rock formations.

This road communicates the small town of El Terrero in Colima state, in Mexico.

Located north of Zacatecas states, Caminos del Cobre is a mountainous dirt and rocky road, between the towns of Concepción del Oro and Salaverna.

Albergue Tlamacas is an abandoned hotel at an elevation of 3.962m (12,998ft) above the sea level, located in State of Mexico. It’s one of the highest roads of the country.

Camino a Bustamante is an asphalted road linking the town of Bustamante and the Mexico 101 highway in Tamaulipas state, in Mexico.

This is an uncategorized state route in Guerrero, in  Mexico. The drive links Pilcaya and Taxco, passing by Tetipac.

Located in central Mexico, within the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve, Carrretera a Bucareli is a dirt/gravel road that offers stunning views of Bucareli canyon and town.

This is a scenic drive north of Zacatecas city, in Mexico. This drive offers scenic views of the desert mountains, mines and colonial city of Zacatecas, Guadalupe City and Vetagrande township.

San Joaquín is a mountain town in the Queretaro state, within the heart of the Sierra Gorda mountains, in Mexico.

Jocotitlán is a volcano at an elevation of 3.901m (12,798ft) above the sea level, located in the northwestern part of the State of Mexico. It’s one of the highest roads of the country.

The Road to Honey-Xicotepec (Veracruz state route 107) or Road to Tlacuilotepec is a very scenic impressive tropical lush and forest road offering great views of waterfalls, mountain cliffs, canyons mission churches and more.

This is a scenic road with 15 hairpin turns and an elevation gain of 500 meters.

There are two access roads to Mineral del Monte from Pachuca city: a new 4 lanes road and a far scenic old road which offers spectacular views of Pachuca city from above.

On the area north of Pachuca city (Hidalgo state capital), there are two tourist towns, surrounded of natural beauties and history, called Mineral del Chico and a National Park. This area is very visited by many people in the state.

San Pedro de Analco is a small mountain town (less than three hundred inhabitants) located in Mexico’s western state of Jalisco.

The Canadian-American (CanAm) Highway is an international highway running south-north from Mexico to Canada through the United States.

Puerto San Luis is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 1,967m (6,453ft) above sea level, located in Mexico. It is a mountain road in the middle of a desert.

Have you ever heard that people prefer to travel during the day on certain roads? Much of this is due to the countless legends surrounding the asphalt. Myths, legends, or truths, we don't know, but they say that on these roads in Mexico, terrifying events have occurred that cause traffic accidents.