Pico Cascuerres

Pico Cascuerres is a high mountain peak, at an elevation of 1.598m (5,242ft) above the sea level, located in the autonomous community of Cantabria, in northern Spain. The average gradient is 13.93%.

Pico Cascuerres

Located in the Cordillera Cantábrica (Picos de Europa), within the Sierra de Peña Sagra range, the road to the summit is unpaved. Due its steepness, 4x4 vehicle is required. Along the way you can enjoy magnificent views. Recommended from late spring to early fall, since you´ll go through mountain roads where there is often snow. At the summit there’s a communication tower.
The road is very steep. Starting from San Pedro de Bedoya, a small town, the ascent is 7.5 km long. Over this distance the elevation gain is 1.045 meters. The average gradient is 13.93%.
Pic: Adolfo Cabriasantiago