Driving the curvy road to Serru Lake in the Alps

Lago Serrù is a high mountain reservoir at an elevation of 2.275m (7,464ft) above sea level, located in the Province of Turin within the Piedmont region of Italy.

Lago Serrù

Where is Serrù Lake?

Serrù Lake is located in the eastern section of the Graian Alps in the northern part of the country, between the Aosta Valley and the Piedmont region. It is part of the Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso and is one of several artificial lakes serving hydroelectric plants, including Lake Agnel, Lake Ceresole, Lake Teleccio, Lake d'Eugio, and Lake Valsoera.

Can you drive to Serrù Lake?

The road to the lake is called Strada Provinciale 50 (SP50). The road is paved but challenging, with gradients up to 12.3%. It gets busy, especially on summer weekends, as it is part of the route to Colle del Nivolet. 

Is the road to Serrù Lake open?

The road to Serrù Lake is closed from October 15th to May 15th. On Sundays in July and August, the last six kilometers of the road are closed to car traffic.