Fittanze della Sega Pass

Passo Fittanze della Sega is a mountain pass at an elevation of 1.399m (4,589ft) above the sea level, located Parco Regionale della Lessinia, in Italy.

Passo Fittanze della Sega

The road to the summit is asphalted. It’s called SP211 and is a very tough climb. The road includes 22% sections. There are 2 routes to reach the summit. Starting from Sdruzzina, the ascent is 14.1 km long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 1.239 meters. The average percentage is 8.8 %. And starting from Bellori, the ascent is 20.91 km long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 1.058 meters. The average percentage is 5.1 %.