Driving the defiant Road F923 in the Highlands of Iceland

Located in the Eastern Region of Iceland, the F923 (Jökuldalsvegur) is a difficult road with breathtaking landscapes. There are a couple of rivers to ford.

Road F923 (Jökuldalsvegur)

Where does Road F923 (Jökuldalsvegur) start and end?

The road runs from Aðalból towards Road 910. It is a rough and challenging road leading to the valley of Hrafnkelsdalur. Expect large potholes, many ruts, and large boulders on the surface. Driving in a small passenger car is simply and plainly irresponsible and can be very dangerous. The road is heavily potholed, and your vehicle will bounce, labor, and shake. The drive combines strong stony slopes, broken sections, big rocks, and muskeg.

Can I drive my vehicle on Road F923 (Jökuldalsvegur)?

It’s only for 4x4 vehicles with significant fording capacity. It should not be driven in anything other than a full-size 4x4 with high clearance.

Is Road F923 (Jökuldalsvegur) open in winter?

Located in the Highlands of Iceland, the road is only open during the summer months, usually between late June and early September.

How remote is Road F923 (Jökuldalsvegur)?

Expect to be alone; this track is not very busy and very remote. In case of a breakdown, there is very little in the way of passing traffic or inhabitants around, and no cell phone service or network in parts.

Is Road F923 (Jökuldalsvegur) worth the drive?

It’s one of the famous F Roads of the country. This road is amazing by day but can be dangerous during the dark night. The drive gives way to some of Iceland's most epic landscapes.

Are there rivers to cross on Road F923 (Jökuldalsvegur)?

Crossing big rivers requires a bit of experience. Do not attempt to cross with one car or during heavy rain. It can be treacherous if the water level rises due to lots of rain and warm weather. Only well-equipped jeeps and larger vehicles are able to cross the rivers. Always check the river to ensure that it's not too deep. Rental car insurance does not cover damages from water, including any damage caused by crossing rivers. Close to the farm Aðalból, you will have to cross a rather wide and deep ford in a clear-water river.
Pic: Will Arditti