The extreme 33% Gradient to Rosedale Chimney is one of the steepest climbs of Europe

Rosedale Chimney Bank is a mountain pass at an elevation of 312m (1,023ft) above sea level located in the Ryedale district of North Yorkshire, England. The tarmac road approaching the pass is one of the steepest, toughest, and most spectacular climbs in Europe, with a gradient of 33%.

Rosedale Chimney

Where is Rosedale Chimney?

The pass is located in the North York Moors National Park in North Yorkshire, in the northeastern part of the country, to the south of Middlesbrough. It is named after a 100-foot (30 m) high chimney built in the area and demolished on 28 July 1972.

Why is it called Rosedale Chimney?

Named after a towering 100-foot (30 m) chimney constructed to facilitate an ironstone mine in the vicinity, this site witnessed the closure of the mine in 1929. However, the chimney endured until its demolition on 28 July 1972.

How long is Rosedale Chimney?

The road to Rosedale Chimney Bank, or simply Chimney Bank, is totally paved. It’s 5.95km (3.7 miles) long running north-south from Rosedale Abbey to Hutton-le-Hole.

How dangerous is the Rosedale Chimney?

The road is fairly exposed, so expect some wind and rain to liven things up too. It is unsuitable for all vehicles in winter conditions. The surface is rough at first and steep from the outset, but improves as you pass over a cattle grid and approach the double hairpin. The second bend here is so steep on the inside that it forces you far right, so take care. Now straightening up, the next stretch is ridiculously hard, the main problem here being just staying upright while either side of the road, sheep wait to see if yet another rider falls victim to the Chimney. Stick with it, as eventually the one-in-three does turn into a relatively gentle one-in-six, allowing you to build a little momentum to drag your bike up onto the moor. It’s one of the truly definitive climbs. Avoid the route in wintry conditions. The road is unsuitable for lorries and caravans.

How hard is Rosedale Chimney?

It’s said to be one of the steepest, toughest, and most spectacular climbs in England. Few climbs have such a tremendous reputation. The road becomes especially dangerous for the brakes on a couple of particularly steep turns, and it’s one of the most challenging sections of a road in England. The climb is immediately steep - a sign tells you’re about to tackle a 1 in 3 hill. You encounter a cattle grid, which doesn’t help matters, after which the road hits 25% on the first corner of a switchback, followed by the steepest part of the climb (33%) - a very steep second corner and unforgiving section after it, leaving riders struggling to maintain momentum. The climb then relents to about 20% before easing off to the top and onto the vast expanse of Spaunton Moor. Leaving Rosedale Abbey, a sign warns you of the one-in-three gradient to come. Starting from Rosedale Abbey, the ascent is 1.47 km long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 175 meters. The average percentage is 11.9%. Brutal is a word used often in cycling, but there isn’t a better one to describe the climb.