An awe-inspiring road to Møns Klint in Denmark

Møns Klint is the name of the white chalk cliffs located on the eastern coast of the Danish island of Møn, in the Baltic Sea. It’s one of Denmark’s most popular and breathtaking landscapes.

Møns Klint

Overlooking the Baltic Sea, the road to these spectacular and dramatic white chalk cliffs is totally paved. It’s usually known as Møns Klint road. It’s 9.6km (5.96 miles) long, running from Magleby to Mandemarke.

The road to the beautiful white cliffs that rise above the sea, is pretty narrow. It’s an unmissable experience when you are in the South Zealand area of Denmark. Some of the cliffs fall a sheer 120 m to the sea below. The cliff is very dynamic and is influenced by both wind and weather.