Driving the steep road to Grosser Speikkogel in the Lavanttal Alps
Grosser Speikkogel is a high mountain peak at an elevation of 2.130m (6,988ft) above sea level, located in Carinthia, in Austria.

Where is Grosser Speikkogel?
The peak is located in the extreme east of Carinthia on the border with Styria, in the southern part of the country.
When was the road to Grosser Speikkogel built?
The road was built in 1976. The summit, the highest point of the Koralm ridge, held military significance even during Roman times.
Is the road to Grosser Speikkogel paved?
The road is fully paved but closed to the general public.
What’s on the summit of Grosser Speikkogel?
The summit has radio and TV facilities, and two large radar domes of the Austrian Army, part of the "Goldhood" air traffic surveillance system.
How long is the road to Grosser Speikkogel?
The road from Parkplatz Koralpe to the summit is 4.3 km (2.67 miles) long. It has a steep gradient, with a maximum of 20.4%, and an elevation gain of 480 meters, averaging 11.16%. The ascent is challenging, especially in the final kilometers.
Pic: Alexander Schrenk