Roc del Quer

Roc del Quer (also known as Cap del Quer) is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 1.956m (6,417ft) above the sea level, in Andorra, located in the parish of Canillo in the north of the country near the French border.It’s a view you will never forget. The average gradient is 6.56%.

Roc del Quer

The asphalted road to the summit is twisting, winding and steep. It’s called CS-240 (Carretera de Montaup) and links the villages of Canillo and Ordino. Open to traffic throughout the year, may be closed for short periods in winter when the weather is bad. There’s a small parking lot at the summit with views of the town below and the mountains.

The summit is home to a walkway of the same name opened in 2016. It’s a 20 meter long walkway. Eight of them sit on the mainland on solid ground but the other 12 are made of transparent glass suspended 500 metres in the air. Starting from Canillo, the ascent is 6.5 km long. Over this distance the elevation gain is 427 meters. The average gradient is 6.56%.