Duck Creek Road is closed due to heavy rainfall and flooding

Duck Creek Road is a very scenic drive straddling the Queensland/New South Wales border in Australia. The road remains closed by Local Council until further notice.

Duck Creek Road

How long is Duck Creek Road?

Located within the Lamington National Park, the road is totally unpaved, the road is 15.6km (9.69 miles) long, running from Kerry Road to Lamington National Park Road. It is an easy 4WD trip but very narrow in parts, as well as extremely steep in parts. Starting from Kerry Road, at 143masl, the road ends at 875masl. Over this distance the elevation gain is 732 meters. The average gradient is 4.69%.

Is Duck Creek Road open?

The road was built in 1980. Due to heavy rainfall and flooding associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie in March 2017, a section of Duck Creek Road suffered severe damage, making it totally impassable. Vehicle access is closed to all vehicles and will remain closed until further notice.
Pic: Ben Murray