The formidable Khaburabot Pass is traversed by the Pamir Highway

Aghbai Khaburabot is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 3.852m (12,637ft) above sea level, located in the Gorno-Badakhshan region of Tajikistan.

Khaburabot Pass

Is the road to Khaburabot Pass paved?

Set high in the Pamir Mountains, the road to the summit is the challenging M41, the Pamir Highway. Most of the road is paved, except for the mountain passes.

Is Khaburabot Pass challenging?

The road is heavily damaged in places by erosion, earthquakes, landslides, and avalanches. Drive with care as this is an extreme mountain road with hairpin curves and dangerous drop-offs. Driving mistakes can have deadly consequences because the road is small and goes along deep valleys. No barrier stands between the road and the cliffs. 

How long is Khaburabot Pass?

The pass is 59.1 km (36.72 miles) long, running south-north from Qal'ai Khumb to Kalaykhusayn. At the summit, there’s a famous and very lonely abandoned bus station. The historical Pamir Highway is an excellent challenge for a 4x4 adventure traveler. It’s an arduous road to the pass.
Pic&video: virginia cojocaru