Seok Pass is a road you'll never forget

Seok Pass is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 4.024m (13,202ft) above sea level, located in the Region Issyk-Kulin of Kyrgyzstan. It’s one of the highest mountain roads of the country. 

Seok Pass

The road to the summit, also known as Suyak Pass, Pereval Suyek and Söök Pass, is called A364 Road and links the villages of Barskoon and Kara-say. It’s gravel but in good conditions. Depending on snow conditions short-term winter locks are possible. The gravel road A364 is to ride without any major problems and with any vehicle. There are daily some heavy transports on the road for the fleet of machines. Remember this is a mountainous area, climbing up a high mountain, with a notorius absence of oxygen.

Located in the Tian Shan mountains, this track can get very muddy and slippery after rain making it challenging to get through.  The pass connects the Ala-Bel plateau to the upper Naryn River valley. When the snow falls - which it does in the winter – things get tough and slippery. The pass is nowadays significant mainly as a strategic gateway on the A364 road to the southeastern high mountain desert areas of Kyrgyzstan along the Chinese border, and to the border posts at Kara-Say and Ak-Shyrak.
Pic: Sergey Prikhodko