Travel guide to the top of Sadhana Pass in the Himalayas

Sadhana Pass is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 3,130m (10,269ft) above sea level, located in the Tangdar in Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir, in India.

Sadhana Pass

How long is Sadhana Pass?

The pass, also known as Sadhna Top or Sadhana Top and formerly as Nasti Chxunn Pass or Nastachun Pass, is 51km (32 miles) long, running from Tangdhar to Batpora.

Why is it called Sadhana Pass?

The pass is named after the Bollywood actress Sadhna Shivdasani, known for her roles in films like Woh Kaun Thi, Mera Saaya, and Anita. She was a famous actress from the 1960s, who visited the pass to meet Indian soldiers after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.

Is Sadhana Pass open in winters?

Set high in the Shams Bari mountain range of the Himalayas, the pass suffers heavy snowfalls and it is usually closed from December to April due to snow. It receives over 12 to 15 feet of snow every winter.

Is the road to Sadhana Pass dangerous?

The road to Sadhana Pass is very demanding. It’s mostly paved, in poor condition, and features hairpin curves (around 60), and dangerous drop-offs. The route is dangerous. Not recommended to newbies. The area has limited phone connectivity.

What is the legend of Sadhana Pass?

The pass is known for the legend of the Blind and Deaf Fairies. According to the story, two fairies lived in the mountains: one was blind, and the other was deaf. They helped travelers navigate the difficult terrain: the blind fairy described sounds and the deaf fairy described what she saw. Together, they guided travelers safely through the pass.
Road suggested by: Hugh Wilson
Pic: manik mittal