Zheduoshan Pass

Zheduoshan Pass is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 4.302m (14,114ft) above the sea level, located in Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in China.

Zheduoshan Pass

The road to the summit is mostly asphalted. It’s called China National Highway 317. Rain, ice, snow and a host of other chilly winter challenges last for close to ten months making driving along this road a treacherous journey even for most experienced driver. Due to the high elevations and exposure, the road is subject to strong winds and rapid weather changes. Be prepared for the cold and wind! High winds blow here all year long. There are many dangerous sections of road along the route, and oxygen is scarce in the high altitude, making driving even more of a challenge.The climb is pretty steep. You can take a look at the Mount Gongga from a far distance.
Pic: 小西天


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