Kunshan Tunnel Road is China's Handmade Marvel Constructed by Farmers

Located in Henan Province, the Kunshan Tunnel Road is one of China's iconic tunnel roads. Unique features include cliff-facing windows made for the disposal of rock debris.

Kunshan Tunnel Road

Why was the Kunshan Tunnel Road built?

Kunshan Village, perched within the Taihang Mountains, was once difficult to access. A dangerous path with sheer cliffs led to stone steps carved out of the mountainside. Local villagers, seeking better access to their village, chiseled a tunnel by hand, connecting Kunshan to the outside world.

How long is the Kunshan Tunnel Road?

This road ranges from 1,000 to 1,300 meters above sea level and goes through several tunnels. It spans 1.6 km, includes six small tunnels, and features windows cut into the cliff for rock disposal.

When is the best time to drive the Kunshan Tunnel Road?

The best time to drive the tunnel is from May to November. Winter is not recommended due to snowfall obstructing the path.

Comparing Kunshan and Guoliang Tunnels

While the Guoliang Tunnel is more famous, the Kunshan Tunnel is longer and more challenging. In 2009, the government refurbished the road, linking the Wangmang Mountains Scenic Area entrance to Kunshan Village, 3 km to the north.
Pic: Alan Wang