The road to Shatu Pass is recommended for drivers with strong nerves

Kotal-e Shatu is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 3.405m (11,171ft) above sea level, located in Bamyan Province, in Afghanistan. The security situation in the country remains extremely volatile.

Shatu Pass

How dangerous is Shatu Pass?

Tucked away in the central part of the country, the road to the summit is totally unpaved. A 4x4 vehicle is required. Never travel alone. If you do choose this route please check up to date information due to the security situation: terrorist attacks, ongoing armed conflict, risk of kidnapping and high crime rate. The road to the summit is very steep, hitting a 14% of maximum gradient through some of the ramps.

How long is Shatu Pass?

The pass is 63.2 km (39.27 miles) long, running south-north from Panjab to Yakawlang.
Road suggested by: Hugh Wilson