Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Laredo, TX

Laredo, Texas is located right on the US-Mexico border and is home to over 256k residents. As a bustling border city with a high volume of traffic, Laredo unfortunately sees its fair share of car accidents each year. In fact, according to statistics from the Texas Department of Transportation, there were over 5,994 traffic crashes reported in Laredo in 2022 alone, 20 of them fatal.

Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Laredo, TX

While every accident is unique, research shows that there are a few common causes that contribute to many of Laredo's collisions. Here is an overview of some of the top factors leading to car crashes in the city.

Distracted Driving

One of the leading contributors to accidents in Laredo is distracted driving, with 3,000 people dying each year in the US due to accidents caused by distracted driving. Distractions like using a cell phone, chatting with passengers, snacking, or changing the radio station can divert a driver's attention from the road. This often leads to rear-end collisions, running red lights, and drifting out of lanes.


Excessive speeding is another major problem on Laredo's streets that frequently results in accidents. With busy roads and highways like I-35, Loop 20, and US-83 passing through town, some drivers go faster than the posted speed limits. At high speeds, drivers have less time to react, and accidents become more severe.

Drunk Driving

Despite strict drunk driving laws, driving while intoxicated remains a persistent hazard on Texas roads. Impaired driving greatly reduces reaction times and judgment while behind the wheel. Sadly, drunk driving fatalities saw a 2% rise in Texas in 2022.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving behaviors like tailgating, rapid lane changes, unsafe passing, and road rage can easily provoke collisions in Laredo's congested traffic. Drivers in a hurry often follow too closely or make reckless maneuvers resulting in sideswipes, rear-end crashes, and multi-vehicle pileups.

Traffic Violations

Simple traffic violations may not seem dangerous, but they are significant contributors to accidents in the city. Actions like running red lights, failing to yield, disregarding traffic signs, and unsafe turns can catch other motorists off guard. Enforcing traffic laws could help lower Laredo's car crash rates.

Poor Road Conditions

With a hot climate, aging infrastructure, and high volumes of heavy truck traffic, Laredo's roads can fall into disrepair. Potholes, deteriorating pavement, poor lighting, and debris on the road all increase hazards on local streets.


While not as common as other causes, collisions with large wildlife do occur in Laredo given its proximity to rural areas. Deer, javelina, and livestock near the highway can dart into the path of an oncoming car, making serious accidents unavoidable at times.

By being aware of these common accident factors, Laredo motorists can make small adjustments to help reduce crash risk. Defensive driving, buckling up, following traffic laws, and staying focused behind the wheel are some simple habits that can go a long way in improving road safety in the community. But if you do get involved in a car accident, make sure you speak to a car accident lawyer in Laredo by visiting to protect your interests.

With a joint effort, drivers can help decrease accident rates and make Laredo's streets safer for everyone sharing the road.