Ways to Become a Safer Driver

With six million auto accidents occurring annually in the US, it's clear to see that the roads aren't always as safe as we think they are. Accidents, unfortunately, happen all the time, and it's not just drunk drivers and reckless people who are involved in these crashes and collisions; many safe, sensible, and innocent drivers also find themselves harmed by the actions of others too.

Ways to Become a Safer Driver

This is why it's so important to always look for ways to improve your driving skills, helping to give you a bigger edge on the roads and a better chance of keeping yourself and your passengers safe and unharmed as you travel from place to place. This guide will take a look at some of the best driving tips you can follow to become a safer, smarter driver.

Consider Apps

Technology has advanced at a rapid rate in recent decades, and there are many ways in which you can make the most of this for your benefit. Your car might be equipped with the latest and greatest safety features, for example, line change alerts and automatic collision detection, and you can supplement these safety features with some smart apps on your phone too.

Various apps exist that are designed to help drivers stay safe on the roads, and a lot of them are free and available to install right now. Some of them are able to track your driving performance and give you reports that can help you make little improvements here and there, while others will automatically silence alerts, calls, and notifications to prevent distractions.

Avoid All Distractions

Following on from the previous point, it's important to note that your phone can be both a friend and a foe while driving. It can help you out with safe apps to improve your driving abilities, but it can also be a major distraction too if you aren't careful, and many Americans admit to using their phones while behind the wheel.

This is a terrible decision to make, as every time you look at your phone, you're taking your focus away from the road ahead of you and the vehicles around you, vastly increasing your risks of having an accident. It's no surprise that phones and other distractions are linked to thousands of accidents per year, so try to avoid them and stay concentrated on the car instead.

Adjust to the Weather

Another top tip to help drivers stay safe is to make sure you adjust and adapt your driving style based on the conditions and weather at the time. For example, the way you drive on a dry and sunny day should be different from how you approach the roads when temperatures are low and snow is falling.

Depending on the weather, you may want to reduce your speed, increase your distance from other vehicles, and so on. In rainy weather, for example, it's wise to make use of your lights for extra visibility and give your tires a check for tread wear and pressure too, and when it snows, you might want to install snow tires. Always be ready to make the necessary changes for any kind of weather.

Keep Your Distance

One of the most common types of auto accidents is the rear-end collision, which is when one vehicle collides with another from behind, and one of the main causes behind these accidents is vehicles driving too close to one another. This is even more dangerous in situations with rain and snow, but it's never a good idea to get too close to other cars.

Unpredictable events happen on the road all the time. Traffic lights can suddenly change, drivers can switch lanes or make turns without using their signals, pedestrians can step out from the sidewalk, and so on. If any of these incidents occur and the car ahead needs to brake sharply, you don't want to be close behind them.

Don't Give in to Road Rage

Road rage is another big issue on today's roads that can cause a lot of accidents or, at the very least, increase the odds of them occurring. Many accidents are linked to road rage due to the fact that angry drivers tend to lose focus and make bad decisions, often breaking the speed limit, failing to use signals and mirrors, and getting dangerously close to cars ahead of them and around them.

With so many reckless and negligent drivers out there, it can be easy to get angry or frustrated if you see someone behaving badly or breaking the rules, but try to remain calm and focus on keeping yourself safe, rather than giving in to the anger. Staying cool and collected will help you make better decisions and avoid accidents, and it's always important to remember the phrase: two wrongs don't make a right.

Keep an Eye on Medicine Labels

It's also important to think carefully before taking any medication before you drive or during a journey, as many medications, including over-the-counter pills, can have side effects that could cause drowsiness or loss of concentration for drivers. This could vastly increase your chances of having an accident while you drive.

Be sure to check the label carefully, especially with medications that you are taking for the first time, and avoid taking anything that could cause fatigue before you drive. It's often wise to try new medications in the comfort of your own home, first of all, to see how your body reacts before deciding if those pills are safe to use before or during future journeys. Speak with your doctor if you're not sure about anything.


There are a lot of risks on today's roads and accidents do happen all the time. You may not be able to control the weather or influence the actions of other drivers, but you can make changes to your own driving habits to be as safe as possible and set a good example for all. Keep these tips in mind when you drive to stay safe.