A3 Road: one of Lesotho’s top drives
Located in the central highlands of western Lesotho, the A3 highway is one of the main roads of the country.

The road is totally paved and in pretty good shape with the odd exception of about 100m near Mokhoabong Pass, which seems to be in a spot shaded permanently by steep mountain sides where winter water runs over the road, freezes and destroys the asphalt. The road is 141 km (87 miles) long running east-west from Thaba-Tseka, the capital city of the Thaba-Tseka District (A25 Road) to the suburbs of Roma, a settlement in the Maseru District (A5 Road). The road carries a steady flow of traffic.
This is a high mountain road with some steep parts. It runs entirely above 1.600m above the sea level, topping out at 2.900m (9,514ft) above the sea level, so always check the weather forecast before you start your journey. The road receives regular snowfalls. During very cold conditions ice might be present on the roadway, which is extremely dangerous - even for 4WD vehicles.
The road offers magnificent views at various points along the drive. It’s very winding and curvy with a few hairpin turns. Be wary of large trucks and buses that need the whole roadway to negotiate the sharper bends.
Along its way, the road climbs up to:
God Help Me Pass: 2.292m (7,519ft) asl
Bushman's Pass: 2.266m (7,434ft) asl
Mokhoabong Pass: 2.900m (9,514ft) asl.