Canal Road

Canal Road is a notorious and tragic road located in Bradford, Ontario, Canada, traveling adjacent to a river, directly alongside a body of water. Susceptible to wintry and foggy conditions.

Canal Road

The road is asphalted. It’s 13.5 km long running from Bridge Street to ON-9. Driving at night, or in poor visibility, is not recommended for drivers unfamiliar with the road. It’s named one of worst routes in Ontario. The road has become a popular shortcut for commuters between highways 11 and 400.
Drivers must remain cautious as the journey has been known to claim the lives of careless drivers. The short road has had at least 22 fatal incidents the last years. From 2000 to 2005, there were 51 accidents that resulted in 14 cars ending up in the water, or landing on the frozen surface. This high-volume death trap is narrow, especially dangerous in the winter (black ice) and has pot holes and a big drop into the water. At least 20 people have died since 1954 when their cars went into the drainage canal.

The road was built in the 1940s to service Holland Marsh farms. It was initially designed as a farm access route, meant more for tractors than sedans. After hurricane Hazel wreaked havoc on Southern Ontario in 1954, the road was rebuilt closer to the water. There is little room for error on this road. A few minor steps have been taken: signs have been put up, the speed limit has been lowered, and there are some guardrails along parts of the road. Digital signs telling motorists how fast they're travelling were installed in two places.
Road suggested by: Tall Guys Free