A dangerous cliff road to Qafe e Malit Shoshit

Qafe e Malit Shoshit is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 1.213m (3,979ft) above the sea level, located in Shkodër County, in northwestern Albania.

Qafe e Malit Shoshit

The road to the summit is totally unpaved. Drive with care as this is a mountain road with hairpin curves and dangerous dropoffs. The pass lies on the road from Shkodër to Theth, in Shkodër County. Located within the Maranai Park, the road is 79.6 km long. Expect more than 6 hours driving to cover this distance. This cliff road is usually impassable in winters. Great trail for experienced wheelers. Avoid driving in this area if unpaved mountain roads aren't your strong point. The road runs along 2 rivers: Kiri and Lumi i Shales, with several bridges (in very bad shape). Open to all motorized vehicles, however, strongly recommended for high clearance, 4-wheel drive vehicles. The road is very rough--only try driving it in a 2wd car, if you're planning to buy a new car. Stay away if you're scared of heights. Expect a trail pretty steep. Wet conditions may make for tough driving along the muddy road.
Pic: Dennis Jakupovic