
Ohmba is a high mountain town at an elevation of 2.052m (6,732ft) above the sea level, located in the Trashiyangtse District of Bhutan. Drive with care as this is a mountain road with hairpin curves and dangerous dropoffs.


The road to the town is asphalted but very steep and narrow (impassable for 2 cars at the same time). The road is bordered by a drop of hundreds of meters (many hundreds of feet) unprotected by guardrails. Stay away if you're scared of heights. It is recommended that beginner riders avoid this road.
The road starts from the Mongar - Trashigang - Trashiyangtse Road at 1.307m above the sea level. It’s 10.4 km long. Over this distance the elevation gain is 745 meters. The average gradient is 7,17% with sections up to 12%. The route demands 100% concentration. This road has humbled many egos. It’s not for the sissies and shouldn’t be attempted by novice drivers.
Road suggested by: Hugh Wilson