Vehicles and driving

Head-on collisions are some of the worst accidents you can ever find yourself in. It goes from bad to worse if a car rams into a bigger vehicle, like a truck or tractor. An Insurance Information Institute report states that 3,631 people lost their lives in head-on collisions in 2020. You know it’s serious when a particular type of accident accounts for 10% of all fatalities in a year.

Minnesota is known for its picturesque lakes, around 10,000 according to the state’s license plate motto. The Land of 10,000 Lakes is also famous for its long, harsh winters.

When there’s a truck accident, it’s almost always a catastrophic event because truck accidents are far more serious than the average car accident. It is because of the sheer weight and size difference between semi-trucks and passenger vehicles. When a semi is fully loaded, it can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. By contrast, most passenger cars weigh a fraction of that at an average of 4,000 pounds.

Distracted driving has emerged as a pervasive and pressing issue in our modern society, with an alarming rise in accidents directly attributable to this dangerous behavior. In an age defined by the constant influx of information and a myriad of technological distractions, the act of driving has become increasingly perilous.

The laws for auto insurance in Pennsylvania may be more confusing than in other states. Where some states are either at-fault or no-fault, Pennsylvania allows drivers to choose between these options when buying car insurance.

Making the right decision when it comes to purchasing a new vehicle can be a tricky process. You want something that fits both your lifestyle and budget, while also taking into account any potential future needs. To make the car buying experience as smooth sailing as possible, it's important to consider several factors like usage, features, safety ratings, and more!

While hard-sided kayaks are much better than inflatable kayaks in many aspects (namely speed, maneuverability, and price), they do have a downside.

Forgetting to renew vehicle registration is a common problem for many drivers. While it’s important to make sure you get your updated registration in time, busy schedules may cause you to forget. While you likely hope you will never be in an accident at any time, you may wonder what will happen to you if you get into one while your registration is expired.

Thousands of South Carolina residents suffer car accidents each year, especially those living in urban centers like Charleston. The Highway Safety Statistical Services recorded 2050 car accidents in the city in 2019. In 2020, the number dropped slightly to 1505, but victims still suffered many injuries and fatalities.

In our fast-paced world, the convenience of driving is something many of us cherish. However, the responsibility that comes with being behind the wheel extends beyond simply obeying traffic laws. For individuals taking prescription medications, it's crucial to be aware of the potential impact on driving ability. In this article, we'll explore the question: What prescription drugs should you not drive on?

Car accidents can be traumatic events, and victims may struggle for a long time to recover physically and emotionally after such an event. Some people might underestimate the possible long-term effects of a car accident, making them susceptible to accepting lesser compensation offers while pursuing a claim.

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident is overwhelming and confusing. Due to their complexity, you may find attorney fees incredibly challenging to understand if you’ve never been involved in the legal process.

Chicago, the vibrant heart of the Midwest, boasts a rich tapestry of culture, commerce, and community. But beneath its bustling streets and towering skyscrapers lies a sobering reality: the city grapples with an alarming statistic that casts a shadow over its otherwise dynamic character. Each year, Chicago witnesses a staggering 100,000 car accidents, a statistic that demands our attention and, more importantly, our concerted efforts to understand and address. These car accidents are more than mere numbers; they are life-altering events that result in injuries, fatalities, and immense economic costs.

You've probably heard about Roosevelt Boulevard's rep as one of Philly's most notorious streets, right? Well--big news is hitting the streets--and quite literally. A huge pile of cash, $78 million, to be exact is coming Philly's way from the feds.

Starting a career as a ride-share driver is a great way to get away from the mundane office job environment or earn some cash on the side. In this line of work, you get to set your working hours, get paid instantly, and meet new people every day. You also get the opportunity to earn money in multiple ways. Depending on the company you’re planning to work for, you can accept package or food delivery jobs and still be able to engage in your ride-share responsibilities.

According to Arizona’s Department of Transportation, the Grand Canyon State has thousands of miles of highways comprising State Routes and Interstate Routes. However, one sobering statistic is that some of the most dangerous roads in America can be found in Arizona. Over the last 20 years, there have been more than 1,000 deaths per year in Arizona. Most of these deaths have occurred along Arizona highways.

Is Kia for lease a good offer for New Yorkers? According to the statistics provided by leasing companies in its boroughs, this is true! Although it took the Korean car maker more than a couple of days to steal the hearts of American drivers, the way it walked was a true success.

The safety and aesthetics of your vehicle are undeniably intertwined, and the role of auto glass in this equation cannot be overstated. Whether it's maintaining your car's sleek appearance or ensuring your safety on the road, the condition of your auto glass matters. Neglecting it is not an option.

Cars are a great convenience, making everyday life and travel relaxing and fast. However, when you reach your destination and can't find a parking space, they instantly become an inconvenience. You can save yourself from wasting time and fuel by booking a spot at an airport car park when you travel. Don't be quick to dismiss this idea; below, you'll find five effective tips on how to cut costs on airport parking. Are you ready to save some money and time?

When you or a loved one have suffered injuries in any type of accident caused by another person’s negligent actions, you may want to file a personal injury case. Taking this action can help you recover the financial losses and other damages you’ve incurred in this difficult time.

Driving is an essential part of modern life, especially for seasoned drivers who have accumulated years of experience on the road. However, no matter how skilled or cautious a driver may be, legal issues can arise unexpectedly. From minor traffic violations to more serious accidents, having a good lawyer by your side can make a world of difference. In this blog post, we'll explore six compelling reasons why every seasoned driver needs a good lawyer.

Every vehicle on the road needs insurance coverage, and trucks are no exception to this requirement. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has rules regarding acceptable insurance coverage.

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense with potentially life-altering consequences. When coupled with a hit and run incident, the legal ramifications become even more severe. It’s important to have a comprehensive understanding of Hit and Run DUI, exploring its definition, the associated penalties, and essential information for individuals facing such charges.

Rolls-Royce is synonymous with luxury, a name that evokes images of grandeur, unparalleled craftsmanship, and an undying commitment to excellence. For over a century, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has established itself as the creator of the world's most opulent vehicles, masterfully combining tradition with innovation. Each car is not just a mode of transportation but a statement of prestige and the epitome of automotive luxury, commanding respect on every road it graces.

Car accidents can be traumatic experiences that not only result in physical injuries but also lead to significant financial challenges. A crucial aspect for individuals involved in such incidents is understanding the average car accident settlement worth. This article will explore the multifaceted factors influencing settlement values, delve into the legal processes that govern these settlements, and provide insights to help individuals anticipate and navigate the complexities of compensation.

You might know what to do if you get into a car accident with one other vehicle. However, would you know what to do in the event of a multi-vehicle crash?

Accidents catch every driver by surprise, and no matter how prepared you are, you may feel confused in the aftermath. The steps you take after the crash can help or harm your car accident case.

Traffic rules are designed to ensure the safety of all road users. However, some people disregard or violate these rules, either intentionally or unintentionally, putting themselves and others at risk of severe injuries or even death.

Dallas-Fort Worth, a major metropolitan area in Texas, is a hub of economic activity with a dense population, bustling with vehicles daily. As a consequence of this continuous activity, traffic accidents are not uncommon. Some roads, due to design, location, or traffic volume, pose a higher risk to motorists and pedestrians alike. In this article, we will highlight the most dangerous roads in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to increase awareness and encourage caution.

Car accidents can have devastating consequences, causing a range of injuries, including the occurrence of whiplash. These injuries can have a lasting impact on both emotional and physical well-being. Hence, it's absolutely essential to understand the steps involved in seeking compensation for these injuries after a car accident. This article delves into this topic, offering insights on how individuals can navigate their options effectively.

Load securing and weight distribution are critical components of truck driving that ensure safety on the roads. Properly secured cargo prevents items from shifting, falling, or causing imbalances during transport. Truck accident lawyers will say that this practice is not just a recommendation; it's a regulatory requirement designed to protect the driver, the contents of the truck, and other road users. Drivers and fleet operators must understand the principles of load securing to comply with these regulations and to minimize the risk of accidents caused by unsecured or poorly balanced loads.

For business or pleasure, a trip anywhere in the United Kingdom sounds like a dream come true. From jolly old England to photogenic Scotland and stunning Wales, we bet that you are super excited to explore as much of this diverse island country as possible. You can easily do that by hiring a car and roaming around at your own pace.

In the complex world of traffic accidents, T-bone collisions stand out as particularly impactful events. These accidents, characterized by the front of one vehicle colliding with the side of another, forming a "T" shape, demand a thorough examination to determine fault. This article delves into the intricacies of establishing fault in T-bone accidents by exploring common causes, legal principles, evidence gathering, frequently asked questions, and the crucial steps to take after such an incident.

Road safety is a persistently significant societal issue, and despite engineering advancements and stringent regulatory measures, car accidents remain alarmingly high. This article focuses on San Diego Car Accidents Lawyers' role in enhancing road safety. These legal experts do far more than represent their clients - they engage in a broader range of activities contributing to road safety education and improvement. Read on!

Motorcycles are fun vehicles to ride. Nothing beats the experience of dashing down an empty highway with nothing to stop you. As fun as they are, motorcycle riding is fraught with risk. Motorcycles don’t have any protective metal coverings like cars. This makes motorcyclists extremely vulnerable, as even minor accidents can throw them off their vehicles.

Car accidents are disruptive events, and when a rental car is involved, the situation can become more intricate. Navigating the aftermath of a rental car accident requires a comprehensive understanding of the immediate steps to take, coupled with insights into the legal and insurance aspects. This article provides a roadmap for individuals facing such complicated circumstances.

Driving in Oklahoma City can be a daunting task, especially when considering the city's ranking as having some of the worst drivers in the United States. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Oklahoma ranks eighth nationwide in fatal car accidents. Recent data from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office in 2021 revealed that a staggering 762 individuals lost their lives in car accidents within the state. With these sobering numbers in mind, it's crucial to understand the roads and intersections that pose the greatest risk to drivers in Oklahoma City.

Many car accidents occur daily, and as a driver, you should know how they mostly occur. Even though one might happen anywhere and at any time, you can notice certain patterns if you study crash stats. For instance, a simple glance at car accident patterns will reveal that they happen at intersections very often.

Even if you’re a careful driver, a sad fact of life is that others on the road may not exercise the same caution. You may be in a collision due to no fault of your own. If you were in a car accident that you didn’t cause, it is understandable to be worried about how to pay for your bills. This doesn’t even take into account the costs of your injuries, vehicle damage, and other expenses. Car accident lawyers want you to know that you have a legal right to seek financial recovery for all of your damages.

If you have recently been in a car accident, you may believe that your situation is an exception when the reality is that car accidents are extremely common and result in thousands of injuries and deaths every year.

Driving on the roads can be difficult, with numerous potential dangers lurking around every corner. The risks are diverse and often unpredictable, from reckless drivers to unforeseen natural elements. In such an environment, it becomes crucial for individuals to be aware of legal strategies that can protect them from harm and mitigate the potential fallout of accidents or confrontations. This article will explore various legal avenues to enhance personal safety on the road, encompassing preventive measures and responses to unforeseen circumstances.

Car accidents can be traumatic experiences, often leaving individuals with injuries and a flurry of concerns. One of the immediate and pressing questions is, "Who will pay for the medical bills?" This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding the dynamics of medical bill payments following a car accident. By delving into the roles of key parties, insurance considerations, and addressing frequently asked questions, we aim to equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate this complex aspect of post-accident scenarios.

Have you been one of the thousands of people who are involved in a Missouri motor vehicle accident each year? If so, you already know how even a minor accident can disrupt your routine for a significant period. More severe crashes can leave you with injuries and property damage that just upend your life even further.

Most people don’t think about what they should do in the event of a car accident until they’re in one. While all car crashes can be scary and confusing, those caused by drunk drivers often result in serious injuries. Whether you approached the other vehicle to check on the driver and smelled alcohol or the police officer on the scene determined they were drunk, you may be wondering what you should do in these circumstances.

Commercial trucks are more prevalent on the roadways today due to an increased demand for goods. These semi-trucks and big rigs make it possible for the trucking industry to supply consumers with the items they need. However, when an accident occurs with a truck, it can have catastrophic consequences.